Monday, January 07, 2013

Monkey Shoulder

Kev brought this little number round for the DVD night.  He got it in his Christmas hamper.  Cheers Santa!

I've seen it on the supermarket shelf, but have never been inclined to purchase it.  That position changed as soon as I had a large dram.  It's lovely stuff.  The mouth is creamy and the nose is sweet and peppery - with chocolate (cocoa?) and spices.  I picked up cinnamon, followed by nutmeg (maybe even cloves).

The taste is buttery and sweet, with honey and that lovely vanilla note that underpins the very best Speyside malts. And this little number is blended, made up of three such Speyside malts (Balvenie, Glenfiddich and Kininvie).  Overall, it's both smooth and chewy, with a medium length that sits well on the palate neat.  Its also very competitively priced and could soon replace Aberlour as my go to mid-week whisky.

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